DBID: 2098
System number: P24V00000095 Contracting authority registration number: 35/9560/2024 Dynamic purchasing system:
Elektrické spotřebiče od 2024
Date of commence:
Tender submit to:
01.03.2024 16:00
Title, type and description of contract
Title: Elektrické spotřebiče 2/2024
Contract type: Supplies
Brief subject description: -sporák elektrický
Procedure type, estimated value
contract in DPS commenced by invitation
Contract regime:
not under the Act regime
Estimated value:
18 200 Kč without VAT
Place of performance
Contracting authority
Official name: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava
CRN: 61989100
Postal address: 17. listopadu 2172/15
70800 Ostrava
Name of the department:
Veřejné zakázky
Contracting authority profile identification in VVZ: Z2018-044551
Contact address
Tenders or requests to participate submit to:
prostřednictvím elektronického nástroje E-ZAK (https://zakazky.vsb.cz)