Procurement documents

Procurement procedure: Vícekanálový systém pro monitorování a pokročilou real-time analýzu akustických signálů

Document information

Title: 05a PassMark CPU Si

Actual file version

File name: Dokument PDF 05a PassMark - CPU Benchmarks - List of Benchmarked CPUs Si.pdf
Size: 1,08 MiB
Actual file version: 27.08.2020 13:24:32
MD5 hash: 117513c9cac24e58403521fbbf99778f
SHA256 hash: c4a68bfcf11018007a10592628514a288c22fd9665314266aaa7809e951534f7

File history

Date Title Description Document type File name Size
V 27.08.2020 13:24:32 05a PassMark CPU Si procurement documents - 05a PassMark - CPU Benchmarks - List of Benchmarked CPUs Si.pdf 1,08 MiB